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top thinker: why nz\'s economy has to go \'circular\'

by:Keke Jewelry     2019-11-01
It\'s seen as the answer to New Zealand\'s rapid growth.
Increasingly serious problem of garbage
And the way to release billions of dollars.
But go to one.
One of the world\'s top thinkers says the so-called \"circular\" economy needs some bold changes.
Dr. Chris Kuta of Oxford University
Prominent political experts predicting Britain\'s exit from the EU and the election of US President Donald Trump are attending a summit in the country to discuss the future of New Zealand\'s economy.
His speech at today\'s meeting in Rotorua will focus on how our economy has shifted from a \"take, make, waste\" model to a model where nothing is thrown away.
With the growing plastic problem in China, there is a growing interest in this circular economy approach.
The Ministry of Environment has been working on a strategic approach
Target investment in specific industries.
It is estimated that due to our landfill, incinerator, ocean or rural areas, the material value of approximately plastic packaging is currently being economically lost, rather than becoming something useful.
This focus only became more prominent after China recently stopped receiving 24 foreign wastes, resulting in inventories across China as other importers look for them.
In an interview with The Herald, Kutarna said that an obvious problem is that most products are not currently designed for reuse, repair, renovation or remanufacture. \"This take-make-
\"Waste of thinking creates a linear economy, but it no longer applies to businesses, people, or the environment,\" he said . \".
\"The Circular Economy keeps the use of resources as long as possible, extracting maximum value from resources during use, and then recycling and reproducing goods and materials at the end of each service life.
It is driven by renewable energy.
\"On a global scale, this model is important because the way humans live is far beyond natural conditions.
Humans consume about 60 billion tons more natural resources than the Earth can replenish each year.
\"Developing a circular economy is a real opportunity for New Zealand and for countries around the world,\" Kutarna said . \".
\"Our resources are limited-which means they will disappear forever once used.
By changing the mindset that we see waste as a design flaw, we can design waste effectively.
New Zealand\'s better packaging company, one of New Zealand\'s companies, has signed a global commitment to end plastic packaging waste, initiated by summit host Alan MacArthur Foundation, he said.
\"It uses customized packaging solutions to avoid waste generation and also materials that replace plastic.
\"In addition to extracting more plastic from waste logistics, he said the model promises long-term innovation
Long-term prosperity, more local jobs, less carbon dioxide emissions and climate change
Flexible economy.
\"The New Zealand sustainable business network has recently discovered that Auckland can free up to $8.
Additional economic activity 8 billion
And reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 2,700 tons in 2030.
\"This transformation requires a massive reform.
\"Our linear supply chain has grown to be very efficient and precise --
But they can\'t work in the long run . \"
\"The shift to a circular economy will have many implications --
For example, we need to be repaired and re-repaired.
More widely used than we are today.
\"China\'s new policy of restricting imports of recyclable goods is a good example --
We need to develop new solutions for stacked waste.
\"An important report recently published by the Sustainable Business Network sets out a series of such steps.
They include increasing recovery rates and creating more
Coastal treatment facilities, running consistent collection across the country, increasing demand for recycled materials and introducing container storage plans.
Individual businesses need to audit the type and quantity of plastic packaging they use, including identifying the type of plastic being used, especially those that are singleuse products.
They also need to set bold goals, design problematic packaging and greatly improve recycling while supporting vendors who use high levels of recycled content.
The business sector also needs to work together to expand the market for recycled materials and develop product management plans for hard plastics.
At the same time, the government needs to develop and implement a comprehensive plastic packaging strategy and set bold and ambitious goals.
It is already working on a number of proposals and directing officials to give priority to advancing mandatory product management plans for tires and lithium batteries and to follow other plans.
A unique feature of the New Zealand model is that it is driven by Maori understanding of the natural life system, with a focus on sustainable regional prosperity, said department chief executive Vicky Robertson.
Local technical knowledge-
It must be an integral part of how we understand and advance the model of the ortroa circular economy.
\"Ellen hanga mimiomio: Alan MacArthur Foundation Pacific Summit 2019, hosted by the Allen MacArthur Foundation in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Scion.
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