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new lunch policy takes a bite out of landfills : schools: to cut down on refuse, students at an oak park campus must bring lunches in reusable containers.

by:Keke Jewelry     2019-09-18
Principal Anthony Knight, watching the children of Oak Hill Elementary School in Oak Park eat their lunch in a grueling manner, saw a green future.
No napkins or candy wrapping paper can be seen in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. And if a pint-
A size potato chip bag is hidden in a lunch box somewhere and the knight is sure it won\'t fall in his trash ---
Thanks to the school\'s new zero. trash policy.
\"We are working to reduce the amount of waste that goes into the landfill,\" Knight said . \".
\"This is our planet. we can\'t destroy it all the time.
\"According to the new policy of Oak Hill, children must pack school lunches in reusable containers.
If plastic bags are used, they must be taken home and used again.
Commercial prepackaged food is prohibited.
\"We are trying to get rid of all these individually packed items,\" Knight explained . \".
\"They have to have a container for chips instead of a bag of chips.
\"The implementation of this policy is simple:\" If they take the garbage, they take the garbage home, \"Knight said. \".
School officials say the project, which began this year, is already reducing school waste.
But there are also parents who complain that the policy is too excessive.
\"I think it\'s great in some ways,\" said parent Amy Meisner . \".
\"But I think it really puts a lot of burden on children and adults.
She said: \"In order to meet the strict guidelines of the policy, Menashe had to buy a new lunch container for her two daughters and had to spend more time in the morning to fix the lunch.
Last school year, while trying to use plastic containers on her own, Mei Nash said her child had lost more than $100 worth of Tupperware.
\"If we send Tupperware to school, no one will supervise that it will go home,\" she said . \".
\"I understand why they do it, but there must be a medium of happiness.
The parent, Susan Kay, agreed.
\"It\'s a bit restrictive,\" she said . \"
\"But I think this policy is trying to teach us to change and focus more on ecology for the future.
\"This project seems to be working despite some complaints.
Last year, the garbage filled eight 55-
There are gallons of trash cans every day, Knight said.
But so far this year, lunch garbage is only about half full. barrel a day.
\"Very positive results have been achieved,\" Knight said . \"
That\'s 1,260 barrels of garbage (a year)
This is not a landfill.
\"Many of the 510 students who participated in Oak Hill accepted the new policy.
\"We want to keep the environment clean,\" 1/2-year-
Old garlitte Spiegel said he took out a bologna sandwich from a plastic container in the Batman lunch box. Five-year-
Old Sarah Weinstein\'s lunch box is a dream come true for an environmental activist.
In the first onePurpleand-
The little green mermaid bag is three neatly arranged plastic containers. -
Not a hint of paper.
\"I have a Tupperware drink and I have a banana but I don\'t like bananas so I didn\'t eat it,\" said Sarah . \".
\"I have such a big Tupperware, I put the sandwich and some chips in it.
Also, I have a napkin.
\"One of the obstacles that schools face when implementing their programs is the temptation to guide parents away from their children --
Commercial packaging size. Five-year-
Old Nicole Reid\'s single
Doritos and split bags of paper juice boxes scared the Knight.
\"They violated this policy,\" he said . \".
\"There are three counts here.
For children whose lunch boxes violate the regulations, officials will send a \"green note\" at home asking parents to comply with the regulations \".
Encouraging parents to resist the appeal of small packaged items is the goal of schools and government officials trying to reduce waste.
\"Big distribution companies want (consumers)
Believe this is what the kids want, \"said Virginia hood, the county\'s recycling manager.
\"But you have to start with the consumer.
Somewhere in this ring, we have to put some pressure on it.
The Oak Hill policy goes beyond the waste reduction program launched by other schools in Ventura County, said Hande.
\"It\'s in line with what we\'re trying to do in a county, if not across the state,\" she said . \".
\"I have never heard of any school (in the county)
Trying to make a zerogarbage policy.
It\'s a very bold project, but it works.
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