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yes, this is real: michigan just banned banning plastic bags

by:Keke Jewelry     2019-10-23
The story has been updated.
A new law in Michigan will prohibit local governments from banning, regulating or charging for the use of plastic bags and other containers.
You read it right: it\'s not a ban on plastic bags.
Ban on the use of plastic bags. Michigan Lt. Gov.
On Wednesday, Brian Calley signed a new public bill into law with 11 other bills. Gov.
According to local news reports, Rick Snyder is currently on holiday outside the state and Cali has the right to sign the bill into law in the absence of him.
The new Public Act prohibits local regulations \"from using, disposing or selling, prohibiting or restricting or imposing any fees, fees or taxes on certain containers, including plastic bags, as well as cups, bottles and other forms of packaging.
This means that individual cities and municipalities are not allowed to ban plastic bags, nor are they allowed to charge customers for the use of them.
Bans and restrictions on the use of plastic bags are common in other parts of the country and around the world.
The reason is simple: Plastic bags are notorious
Biodegradable pollution sources
Although they will eventually be broken down into small pieces, scientists believe the process could take hundreds or even thousands of years in landfill sites.
Many scientists pay special attention to plastic pollution in the ocean.
Research shows that between 5 million and 12 million metric tons of plastic were dumped into the ocean in 2010 alone.
Where seabirds and other marine animals often eat the waste
Or it breaks down into small pieces called micro-plastic, which scientists believe may be harmful or even toxic to marine life that ingest it.
In 2002, Bangladesh was the first country in the world to ban certain types of thin plastic bags, which were found to have blocked the country\'s drainage system in a series of devastating floods.
China imposed a similar ban in 2008 and banned businesses from distributing thicker plastic bags to customers for free.
Other countries, including South Africa and Italy, have enacted similar restrictions.
San Francisco became the first AmericanS.
The city government will ban plastic bags.
California became the first state in 2014.
There are bans or charges in many other cities across the country, including Austin, Seattle and Chicago, which will repeal the citywide ban to support 7-
Pay US tax next month.
Michigan, on the other hand, is not the only state to impose a ban.
Similar laws have been enacted in Idaho, Arizona and Missouri.
In these cases, supporters of the law defended them as a way to protect businesses from having to comply with additional regulations.
For this reason, the new Michigan law was praised by the Michigan Restaurant Association.
\"As many of our members have and operate locations across the state, the patchwork approach to preventing additional regulations is essential to avoid day-to-day complexityto-
Robert O\'Mara, vice president of government affairs at the association, said in a statement.
But there have also been criticism that this legislation is an authoritative transcendence.
Michigan news media MLive reported.
Democrat Jeff Owen, who represents Ann Arbor, publicly opposed the bill while it was still in the House, saying it \"attacked local control \".
Earlier this year, the Washtenaw County Commissioner committee of Ann Arbor voted in favor of a new regulation that provides for 10-
Paper bags and plastic bags distributed in the county grocery store.
This fee is not allowed under the new public bill in Michigan.
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