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supermarkets that fail to reduce plastic packaging will be \'named and shamed\' - richard bruton

by:Keke Jewelry     2019-09-16
Climate change minister Richard Bruton will study a \"Roll Call\" system for supermarkets that fail to reduce the amount of plastic packaging used on food.
The government\'s climate action plan includes an ambition to halve the total amount of food wasted in Ireland, reduce the use of plastic and plastic packaging, and increase the overall recoverable rate by 60.
Bruton, who plans to hold a meeting on plastics in September, said today that he will take a tougher stance on supermarkets.
This will be achieved through regulations if necessary, and will involve extracting commitments from the company to reduce the carbon footprint.
Companies that create more non-waste will also face higher waste management fees.
Recyclable garbage
Mr. Bruton told reporters at MacGill Summer School in Glentis that he also said that for supermarkets that did not fully reduce the use of plastic packaging, the \"roll call and shame\" system was introduced.
\"Our schedule is very ambitious,\" says Bruton.
We will change the charging structure so that companies that make waste pay higher fees for waste that is difficult to manage, we will be looking for more carbon commitments or plastic commitments from the following companies in the retail and manufacturing sectors where we can set very strong goals.
\"We will take a stronger stand.
First of all, there will be expenses by adjusting the expenses, so those who exceed or do not exceed
Recyclable items will pay more, but we will proceed through regulation if necessary.
\"We \'ve set these goals and we\'re going to look at a range of policies, some of which will be incentives, and some will obviously test new ways to manage our waste logistics, but if you want, I decided we would have an action plan and for plastic we could monitor, deliver, and supervise like the rest of the elements in the plan.
When asked about the \"roll call\" system at the supermarket, Mr Bruton said: \"Yes, I think that will be one of the factors.
It will be for people to sign on to change commitments and charge for them, but it will also empower consumers because I think it is consumers who really push this agenda.
\"But we can improve the collection method and reduce pollution, which is a huge problem that all of us have to share, and we can better understand what we can recycle and can\'t recycle, using forced administration
Extend these plans to new areas so that all of them will be on the agenda.
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