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sugar and energy content of carbonated sugar-sweetened beverages in haidian district, beijing: a cross-sectional study

by:Keke Jewelry     2019-10-19
Consumption of carbonated sugar --
Sweet drinks (CSSBs)
Related to a range of health issues, but little is known about the sugar and energy content of csbs in China.
This study aimed to investigate the sugar and energy content of csbs in Beijing, China.
We cross-examined the design.
In July to October 2017, a segmented survey of 15 different supermarkets in Haidian district, Beijing.
Methods the product packaging and nutrition labels of csbs were recorded in a timely manner through snapshots to obtain the company name, product name, service size, nutritional ingredients, I . e. carbohydrates, sugar and energy.
For CSSB labels that do not show sugar content, we use carbohydrate content as a replacement.
Using Kruskal-compare the sugar and energy content of csbs in each flavorWallis test.
The frequency of use describes the sugar content within the recommended level.
We also compared the sugar and energy content of the top 5 csbs sold in three countries (
China, UK and USA).
As a result, 93 CSSB products were detected.
The median sugar content is 9. 3 (IQR: 5. 7–11. 2)
G/100 mL, energy content is 38 (IQR: 23–46)kcal/100u2009mL.
There are 79 products labeled \"red (high)
Each service based on the standards set by the UK (>11. 25u2009g/100u2009mL). We found 62.
4% of csbs per sugar content exceeds the daily free sugar intake of adults (25u2009g)
Recommended by who.
Compared with Western countries, some brand products sold in China have higher sugar content.
Conclusion csbs have high sugar and energy content in Beijing, China.
Reducing sugar content and the size of services and tax policies on beverages will help reduce sugar intake in China.
Objective: consumption of carbonated sugar
Sweet drinks (CSSBs)
Related to a range of health issues, but little is known about the sugar and energy content of csbs in China.
This study aimed to investigate the sugar and energy content of csbs in Beijing, China.
We cross-examined the design.
In July to October 2017, a segmented survey of 15 different supermarkets in Haidian district, Beijing.
Methods the product packaging and nutrition labels of csbs were recorded in a timely manner through snapshots to obtain the company name, product name, service size, nutritional ingredients, I . e. carbohydrates, sugar and energy.
For CSSB labels that do not show sugar content, we use carbohydrate content as a replacement.
Using Kruskal-compare the sugar and energy content of csbs in each flavorWallis test.
The frequency of use describes the sugar content within the recommended level.
We also compared the sugar and energy content of the top 5 csbs sold in three countries (
China, UK and USA).
As a result, 93 CSSB products were detected.
The median sugar content is 9. 3 (IQR: 5. 7–11. 2)
G/100 mL, energy content is 38 (IQR: 23–46)kcal/100u2009mL.
There are 79 products labeled \"red (high)
Each service based on the standards set by the UK (>11. 25u2009g/100u2009mL). We found 62.
4% of csbs per sugar content exceeds the daily free sugar intake of adults (25u2009g)
Recommended by who.
Compared with Western countries, some brand products sold in China have higher sugar content.
Conclusion csbs have high sugar and energy content in Beijing, China.
Reducing sugar content and the size of services and tax policies on beverages will help reduce sugar intake in China.
Introduction in the past 30 years, the consumption of sugar
Sweet drinks (SSBs)
With the urbanization of China and the penetration of Western diet, the population of China is growing rapidly.
SSBs may lead to an increase in obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders.
The 3-6 free sugar consumed by people includes all sugar and double sugar added to food by manufacturers, chefs or consumers, as well as sugar naturally present in honey, syrup and unsweetened juices.
The most common free sugar is SSBs.
Carbonated sugar
Sweet drinks (CSSBs)
It is a popular SSBs for Chinese children, 3-4 years old, and children can buy it in the supermarket, which is also very convenient. Non-
Contains natural sugar (
Lactose and fructose)
These sugars are not included in the definition of free sugar, while almost all sugars in csbs are free sugar.
CSSB products are an important contributor to free sugar intake.
8 The nutritional value of free sugar is little or no at all, and is the main hidden source of empty calories that lead to obesity --
Related Diseases
Among Chinese children, the proportion of childhood obesity is high, especially abdominal obesity. The proportion of obese children in China is the highest in the world.
Previous studies have shown that in Western countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, css has a high surface and energy content.
However, the sugar and energy levels of csbs commonly consumed by the Chinese population are not clear. In a single-
The size of the serving quantity determines the total sugar consumption of consumers.
13 depending on the edible size of csbs, several criteria can be used to evaluate the sugar content of csbs.
Guidance on the front line in the UKof-pack, colour-
Coded labels use different colors to identify whether the sugar content of abeverage is high.
14 in this guide, two criteria for \"Red\" labels are used to identify high
Sugar content per 100 or per serving.
WHO15 and Chinese dietary guidelines (CDG)
16 it is recommended to limit the intake of 25g of free sugar per day to reduce non-
Infectious Diseases.
On 2011, the ministry of health of China issued the national food safety standard nutrition label pre-packaged Foods.
However, the content of sugar is not mandatory in the nutrition label.
Therefore, some items have only sugar on the label, and some items have only carbohydrates on the label.
Some countries have imposed sugar taxes on SSBs to reduce the amount of sugar added.
The UK\'s sugar tax policy was announced on 2017 and will be implemented on April 2018.
Although the tax policy has not yet been implemented, some manufacturers have reformulated their products by reducing sugar content.
In China, there is no such policy, and there is little data on sugar content in SSBs.
We had a cross.
Section survey of csbs sugar and energy content sold in 15 different supermarkets in Haidian district, Beijing, China.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the current sugar (carbohydrate)
And the energy content of csbs in Beijing, China.
In addition, we compared the sugar content of csbs with the recommended sugar intake level in the UK and the Chinese Nutrition Label Standard, and compared the sugar content of the same brand products in different countries.
Method in July to October 2017, we conducted a cross
Survey of csbs product packaging and nutrition labels in Haidian district, Beijing.
The supermarket chain data selection of Beijing Haidian District supermarket chain is obtained from the following locations
Open-based services
Platform Amap, 20, including the name of each supermarket chain, the total number of branches and addresses.
First of all, we include nine supermarket chains in the region, which are ranked in the top 10 in China\'s grocery market share.
The ranking comes from a study by Kantar world panel, which covers grocery buying habits in a representative sample of 40 000 households in China.
Second, we include supermarket chains in more than four branches, adding six supermarket chains to our research website.
A total of 15 supermarket chains were selected in this study (
Wal-Mart Yonghui supermarket WuMart Hotel
Matt, Cuiwei, melamat, Carrefour, Xingfu, Hualian, Century Mart, supermarket, Jingkelong, pioneer, Auchan, Century Jiajia,.
We investigated every supermarket chain closest to our school campus.
We believe that these products are similar in different branches of various supermarket chains.
It includes the product selection and category of 15 large supermarkets, the supermarket\'s own brand and the csbs brand products.
Products marked as zero carbs/energy or without nutrition labels are not included.
Csbs are classified as the following flavors, referring to the categories of csbs in an early study in the UK: Cola, seasoned Cola, ginger soda, Orange, lemonade and others.
8 data collection this study was conducted under a cross-protocol
Sectional survey of free sugar and calorie content in csbs, UK.
We followed the methods used in this study and compared the sugar content of csbs in China and other countries.
The product packaging and nutrition labels of CSSBs were recorded in a timely manner in the snapshot to obtain the company name, product name, service size and nutrients, I . e. carbohydrates, sugar and energy.
Although nutritional ingredients per 100 mL are used in the Chinese standard of nutrition labels, 17 we have standardized the nutritional ingredients per 30 ml for some comparison with previous studies in different countries
8 11 12 when any of the CSSBs previously photographed were discovered again in a subsequent supermarket, the information was not taken and recorded.
In the past two supermarkets, we have not found any new products of csbs (
Jia and Hua Lian Shi Jia).
For some brands of CSSBs sold in the same formula under different service sizes, we only include the first recorded product with the same formula.
In order to compare css in different countries, this study specifically analyzes the css of several brands. Five brands(Coca-
Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Pepsi Blue and Melinda)
They were selected because they were the top five brands in China, accounting for 83.
Sales of CSSBs in 2017 were 8% kbps.
We have selected a representative product for each brand, including Coca
Classic Coke, Sprite, Fanta Orange, PepsiBlue and mirinda orange.
We look up nutrition labels for the same product online in two Western countries, the UK and the US.
Britain will introduce a drink tax policy next year, while the United States does not have a national tax policy.
Data entry is carried out using EpiData software, and all data is doublechecked.
Another 5% entries were randomly selected and re-checked against the original source. No errors were found.
The Spelman rank correlation coefficient is used to reflect the relationship between carbohydrate and sugar content.
For CSSB labels that do not show the sugar content, we used the carbohydrate content as a replacement because the carbohydrate content is very similar to the sugar content of csb products.
Using median and IQR, csbs overall for each flavor type and carbohydrate and energy content for each flavor type are described.
Using Kruskal-explore the differences between different flavor typesWallis tests.
The frequency of use describes the sugar content in the range of sugar intake recommended by UK and Chinese standards.
We divide each css into three groups per 100ml of sugar per UK frontline guidelinesof-pack, colour-
Code label of beverage :(1)red:>11. 25u2009g/100u2009mL, (2)amber:>2. 5u2009g and≤11.
25g/100 mL ,(3)green:≤2. 5u2009g/100u2009mL.
Using Kruskal-explore the difference in service size among the three typesWallis test.
Because the service size ranges from 200 to ml, we identify csbs with or without the \"red\" label for each serving (>13.
5g/service if service size> 15 ml)
According to the service standards of the UK guidelines.
The daily sugar intake recommended for WHO15 and CDG16 is 25g, so we also identified csbs with a carbohydrate content 2. 5u2009g and≤11.
25g/100 mL ,(3)green:≤2. 5u2009g/100u2009mL.
Using Kruskal-explore the difference in service size among the three typesWallis test.
Because the service size ranges from 200 to ml, we identify csbs with or without the \"red\" label for each serving (>13.
5g/service if service size> 15 ml)
According to the service standards of the UK guidelines.
The daily sugar intake recommended for WHO15 and CDG16 is 25g, so we also identified csbs with a carbohydrate content
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