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study: eating fresh food reduces exposure to bpa

by:Keke Jewelry     2019-10-29
Exposure to chemicals that destroy hormones, such as double phenol A or double phenol A, can be significantly reduced by eating less food packaged in metal cans or plastic, according to a new report from the Breast Cancer Fund and the Silent Spring Institute.
Ruthann Rudel said: \"Of course I know that these chemicals exist in food packaging, but I am surprised by the magnitude of the decline we have seen, \"The lead author of the study and director of the Silent Spring Institute, this is a non-profit research organization named after Rachel Carson\'s book, \"Silent Spring\" kicked off the modern environmental protection movement.
Ludel and her colleagues found that when fresh food-
Not packed in plastic. -
During the three-day period, 20 study participants were told that levels of BPA and other chemicals in their system had dropped significantly.
On average, their urine levels of BPA were reduced by 66%, and the content of plasticizer DEHP was reduced by 53-56%.
When participants returned to their normal eating habits, their levels of BPA and DEHP compounds immediately soared.
Although BPA is used to harden the plastic, it can also be found in the epoxy lining of the receipt and food container, DEHP is used to soften the plastic and can be found in the plastic food packaging.
\"What is taken home from this study is that food packaging is where people are mainly exposed to these compounds,\" Rudel said . \".
\"Now we have a good estimate of how food packaging can help our overall contact, and now we know how to reduce it.
This is not the case with a lot of exposure.
\"According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 90% of Americans have detectable levels of BPA.
The website of the Food and Drug Administration said, \"at this transitional stage, the FDA agrees with the National Toxicology Program, that is, recent research provides a reason for some people to worry about the potential impact of BPA on the brain, behavior and prostate of the fetus, infants and children.
\"Other studies have linked neighboring benzene substances such as BPA and phthal to infertility, heart disease and cancer, but there is still controversy about the level of risk of these chemicals.
\"The impact of these chemicals on health is very prominent, and while health effects continue to be addressed, individuals have an opportunity to reduce exposure by making certain decisions,\" Rudel said . \".
In response to the study, the US chemical Commission issued the statement: \"This study simply confirms these reassuring points: consumers have been exposed to BPA and DEHP from food sources for a very short period of time, instead of staying in the body, these substances are quickly eliminated by natural means.
In addition, data from the United StatesS.
The Canadian Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Health have shown that typical consumers from all sources are exposed to BPA and DEHP at 1,000 times lower levels than the government
Establish a level of safety exposure.
\"Consumers should be confident to continue to eat healthy canned or packaged foods because the materials used for food contact are approved by the United StatesS.
Food and Drug Administration
\"The Silent Spring Institute released the following tips to reduce exposure: 1.
Fresh is the best double phenol a, and neighboring benzene ester can be migrated from the lining of cans and plastic packaging to food and beverages.
While it is impractical to completely avoid food packaging, choose fresh or frozen food as much as possible instead of canned food. 2.
Studies have shown that BPA levels are higher in humans who eat more food at home.
To reduce exposure, consider cooking more food at home with fresh ingredients.
When you eat outside, choose a restaurant that uses fresh ingredients. 3.
Food and beverages stored in plastic can collect chemicals from containers, especially if the food is fat or acidic.
Next time, try to store your leftovers with glass or stainless steel instead of plastic. 4.
Do not microwave at the warm temperature of plastic will increase the speed at which chemicals penetrate into food and beverages. So use heat-
When you microwave or heat the food on the stove, you can use a refractory glass or ceramic container.
The \"microwave safety\" label means the safety of the container, not your health. 5. Brew the old-
The old-fashioned automatic coffee machine may contain BPA and neighboring benzene Ester in plastic containers and pipes.
When you make coffee, consider using French media to make your buzz without BPA.
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