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one cheap product will change the way you clean in your kitchen

by:Keke Jewelry     2020-06-13
My All-
The stainless steel pot is the most expensive thing I bought for the kitchen.
It\'s worth it, but it\'s not the kind of thing I can often afford.
So a few years ago, when I covet a 10-
Inch ded frying pan for sale in the near futureto-be-
At the department store closed near my parents\' home, I finally decided not to buy (
When I got home, my dad went back and got it for me. I was thrilled.
Later, when my husband took out a frying pan to make Indian okra, I was equally excited.
This includes frying vegetables in several frying pans at the top of the chef.
Something went wrong and the bottom of the new pot changed from original to black.
We cleaned up what we could and dragged in our cabinets for too long.
I think cooking more with it will only aggravate the damage.
Finally, I bought some friends from the bar owners, which I often recommend to the gourmets.
But it was also not used as I am sure there is nothing to fix the frying pan.
I finally decided to give it a try one day, BAM!
The Frying Pan looks almost new.
The same is true of the frying pan you see here, which is a very dirty sample of our food lab.
I and many others now believe in the power of this cheap, simple cleaning product.
I bought a can for less than $3 at the grocery store, so really, there is no chef without it.
Here are the bar owner friends you should know about. What is it?
The bar owner friend came in with a powder, which I prefer to scrub the hard-to-wrap garbage with, and a pre-
Better mixing liquid for fairly small maintenance.
\"It\'s not complicated, but it\'s just working,\" said Kevin Patterson, vice president of sales at the bar owner\'s friend organization.
The main ingredients are oxate, which is naturally present in vegetables such as asparagus, spinach, rhubarb (
The story is like this, it was first discovered after a chemist cooked rhubarb in 1882, and he noticed how shiny his pot was);
Abrasive used as a small scrubber (
You can feel the gray when you wash the dishes);
And detergent, or nonbleach-
Contains detergent.
As far as cleaners are concerned, it\'s also gentle-
You don\'t have to wear gloves, although I prefer to clean or clean whatever I use, because I have sensitive skin that will be irritated by acid except open wounds.
This product is not a friend of the bar owner.
When rhubarb-
The boiling chemist began to distribute it, it had no name and sold it in brown paper bags.
After he realized that his findings could clean brass and copper (
This is before the era of stainless steel and many other modern materials)
He began to visit bars and pubs where the metal was heavily used.
How did you use it?
It\'s basically water and elbow grease.
Wet the surface of what you are cleaning, apply a cleaner and scrub it clean.
Do not leave the cleaner on the surface for more than a minute or so before starting the scrub, otherwise the acid may produce spots or corroded surfaces.
You can scrub with a sponge or cloth, but don\'t use a very rough scrub pad, especially if you apply the product to your cooking so as not to scratch it. (
In addition to other recipes, the brand also sells a specialized top-level cleaner for cooking. )
What surface does it remove?
We are the food here, so let\'s take a look at the kitchen.
I used the bar administrator friend to clean up the burned oil residue (see above! ), baked-
Food and ugly brown stains inside my enameled cast iron Dutch oven.
You can also use it to illuminate stainless steel
Cookware, but sink (
The appliance is more tricky because it is not recommended to brush stainless steel or the surface has a protective layer to prevent fingerprints).
Obviously, according to Christina Roark, the controller and social media/digital marketing coordinator of the bar administrator friend, it has a fanatic following among instant pot users who need to clean stainless steel plug-ins.
It works for Pyrex as well as items with coffee or tea stains, she said.
It is recommended to use additional materials such as copper, brass, tiles, ceramics, fiberglass and chromium, which means that bar boss friends are also very popular in cleaning the bathroom and even parts for cars or motorcycles.
Detergent can remove rust, soap slag (
It did a miracle in my tub and I think it was permanently discolored)
Hard water deposition, etc.
What should you not use it on?
A big star number for kitchen garbage: Bar administrator friends should not be applied to non-stick cookware, and cleaning agents can scrape off the coating.
It is also strong enough to remove the seasoning from your plaster
Iron pan, so unless you are repairing the rusty part and/or stripping it to re-fix
Season, stick with a little soap if needed.
Bar friends can damage natural stones such as granite and marble, as well as precious metals such as white wax, gold and silver.
This is not ideal for a more refined surface (
Paint, paint or mirror)or wood either.
What are you waiting? I don’t know.
Don\'t be like me.
Spend a few dollars to buy a jar and make what you \'ve been longing for so clean.
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