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effects of health-oriented descriptors on combustible cigarette and electronic cigarette packaging: an experiment among adult smokers in the united states

by:Keke Jewelry     2019-10-20
Certain tobacco companies use health-
Descriptor oriented (
100% organic, for example)
Product packaging and advertising on combustible cigarettes or e-cigarettes (e-cigarettes)
This creates a \"health aura\" for smoking and smoking \".
Previous observational studies have shown that this language may be related to a more favorable attitude and reduced risk perception compared to other brands.
This study aims to determine the impact of health
Descriptors for smokers attitudes towards brands, perceptions of packaging information, comparative harm to other brands, and intent to purchase combustible cigarettes or e-cigarettescigarettes.
Methods: adult smokers in the United States were randomly assigned to view health-
Language Pack oriented (
\"100% organic\", \"all nature\" or \"not added \")
Traditional marketing language pack (
\"Premium\", \"Premium blend\" or \"100% original \")or a no-
Language package of a combustible cigarette brand (Study 1, n=405)or an e-
Cigarette brand (Study 2, n=396)
In the experimental design
Results study 1: healthy participants
Directional conditions report that the perception of packaging information is more favorable, the relative harm is lower, and the willingness to buy combustible cigarettes is higher, compared with no language control.
In addition, participate in health-
Compared with traditional marketing conditions, targeted conditions report a more positive attitude towards the brand and a lower comparative injury.
Research 2: Compared with traditional marketing conditions, health-
Reporting for conditions the intention to purchase absolute electronics is greatercigarettes.
Under different conditions, there was no significant difference in attitudes towards brands, perception of packaging information and relative harm with other brands.
Conclusion Health effects
Language-oriented is of great significance for combustible cigarettes and e-cigarettes
Pack cigarettes.
Policy to limit health
Language for cigarettes and electronic products
Cigarette packaging is recommended.
Use of Certain tobacco companies
Descriptor oriented (
100% organic, for example)
Product packaging and advertising on combustible cigarettes or e-cigarettes (e-cigarettes)
This creates a \"health aura\" for smoking and smoking \".
Previous observational studies have shown that this language may be related to a more favorable attitude and reduced risk perception compared to other brands.
This study aims to determine the impact of health
Descriptors for smokers attitudes towards brands, perceptions of packaging information, comparative harm to other brands, and intent to purchase combustible cigarettes or e-cigarettescigarettes.
Methods: adult smokers in the United States were randomly assigned to view health-
Language Pack oriented (
\"100% organic\", \"all nature\" or \"not added \")
Traditional marketing language pack (
\"Premium\", \"Premium blend\" or \"100% original \")or a no-
Language package of a combustible cigarette brand (Study 1, n=405)or an e-
Cigarette brand (Study 2, n=396)
In the experimental design
Results study 1: healthy participants
Directional conditions report that the perception of packaging information is more favorable, the relative harm is lower, and the willingness to buy combustible cigarettes is higher, compared with no language control.
In addition, participate in health-
Compared with traditional marketing conditions, targeted conditions report a more positive attitude towards the brand and a lower comparative injury.
Research 2: Compared with traditional marketing conditions, health-
Reporting for conditions the intention to purchase absolute electronics is greatercigarettes.
Under different conditions, there was no significant difference in attitudes towards brands, perception of packaging information and relative harm with other brands.
Conclusion Health effects
Language-oriented is of great significance for combustible cigarettes and e-cigarettes
Pack cigarettes.
Policy to limit health
Language for cigarettes and electronic products
Cigarette packaging is recommended.
All the authors contributed to the design of the study. AS-
Complete all analysis. AS-
J and ASLT wrote most of the first draft of the manuscript.
KY also wrote a section.
All authors have been involved repeatedly in the revision, formatting and conceptualisation of future drafts.
No one declared a competitive interest.
The study was approved by the Institutional Review Committee of Michigan State University.
Uncommissioned source and peer review;
External peer review.
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