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effect of product packaging on consumer buying decision.

by:Keke Jewelry     2019-10-20
Byline: the study of Nawaz Ahmad, Mohib Billoo and Asad Lakhan aims to determine which elements of the product packaging are most important and how they affect the purchase decisions of consumers.
Due to the increasing self
As services and consumer lifestyles change, there is a growing interest in packaging as a stimulus to promotional tools and impulsive buying behavior.
Therefore, packaging plays an important role in marketing and encouraging and sometimes even preventing consumers from buying products, especially when point of sale or consumers choose from different brands of similar product types.
This can be seen as one of the most important factors affecting consumer buying decisions.
This study was carried out taking into account the importance of product packaging and its huge impact on purchasing decisions.
After studying the different aspects and composition of the package, it was found that the color of the package was the most important and significant feature of 1%, followed by the picture or image of the package, which was important at 10%.
Key words: packaging, packaging elements, consumer purchase decisions.
Introduction this topic refers to the importance of product packaging in the minds of consumers and how it affects purchasing decisions.
Marketers re-emphasize the importance of perception rather than allowing consumers to position products independently, but try to influence and shape the concept and perception of consumers through packaging.
Packaging is usually the final impression of the consumer or customer about your product before making a final purchase decision.
Therefore, it is worthwhile to ensure that the packaging works as hard as possible to ensure the sale.
This may be in the form of images, brand value, product functionality, or pure innovation.
Packaging can add value in many ways.
In order to enable packaging to support brand positioning, establish a competitive advantage, maintain innovation, and increase prices, marketers should consider something.
Packaging development can provide many commercial benefits, including: * tangible performance of brand or company value * significant enhancement of product delivery, experience or enjoy * increased impact at the point of purchase * More than 70% of purchase decisions are new distribution channels or opportunities made on the shelves.
The packaging of the product is the first thing consumers see, it plays a vital role in distinguishing between brand and competition.
Consumers are strongly influenced by the packaging of the products they consider buying.
Marketers are well aware of this fact and go out of their way to create packages that attract consumers and convince them to buy products.
The shift in consumer decision-making means marketers need to adjust their spending and think that this change is not an opportunity to lose power to consumers, but to appear in the right place at the right time, give them the information and support they need to make the right decision.
The purpose of the research statement study is to find out the impact of product packaging of FMCG on consumer purchase decisions and to find the importance of product packaging in product sales.
Ulrich R Orth and others. (2010)
Packaging design is an integral part of the presentation of the brand image, which is sometimes designed to convey a high quality image, sometimes a display price. Abrams, E. (2010)
In \"brand identity is in line with economies of scale\", cartons, cans or tubes supported on store shelves provide consumers with the first impression of branded products, and brand and product packaging are critical to the success of both. \" Arens (2007)
Packaging is the container of the product-
Includes the appearance of the container, including the design, color, shape, label and materials used. Baker (2007)
For retailers, he said, it is worth learning about the factors in the retail environment that trigger a strong consumer response.
Retailers can help customers find the right product through focused merchandising, smart store design and layout, and other visual merchandising sales practices such as product presentation, packaging, and signage. Brewer (2006)
It is found that consumers learn color associations from current brands on the market, which leads them to prefer specific colors for different product categories.
Using color on the package as a hint can create a potentially strong association, especially when it is unique to a particular brand.
However, people in different cultures will come into contact with different color associations and develop color preferences according to their own cultural associations.
In addition, Brewer (2006)
It is found that information elements are often less important than vision in low-engagement product decisions: \"So graphics and colors become critical \". Gonzalez (2007)
He said that the main function of the packaging is to protect the product from potential damage when transporting, storing, selling and developing the product.
Gonzalez mentioned that, therefore, the role of packaging in marketing communication has increased: it must attract the attention of consumers and deliver enough product value to consumers in a short period of time at the place of sale.
Therefore, it is necessary to explore the packaging and its elements in more detail to understand which of these elements are most important to the consumer\'s purchase decisions. Hill (2005)
As personal preferences become more complex and diverse, packaging becomes the main means of product branding.
Packaging also provides consumers with a more permanent brand impression of the product.
According to Jugger (2008)
If a brand is not fully supported by media advertising, packaging must play a bigger role in brand marketing. Jugger (2008)
Say that the \"right\" packaging solution for each brand is different.
It is important that when it is placed next to a competitor on the shelf, it will work. Jugger (2008)
British supermarkets have an average of 25,000 items, while shopping baskets have an average of 39.
The fact that consumers today have to look closely at a large number of products to choose what they want --
It\'s not surprising that they ended up ignoring most of the things they passed. Lockshin (2008)
Never underestimate the importance of packaging.
Marketers often measure consumer brand awareness and ignore packaging.
However, we learned from the consumer\'s response to unpackaged products that packaging plays a huge role in strengthening consumer awareness.
Packaging helps guide consumers in the way they experience their products.
However, we rarely take the time to study the connection between packaging and the direct experience of the product. Mann (2007)
It is also mentioned that the number and type of information provided to customers through the product labeling and packaging of any specific product is the role of government regulation, independent labeling agencies and business policies.
According to the old man (2008)
Consumerism pays attention to both consumerism and macro-consumerism.
Micro-consumer issues include issues such as brand error practices, misleading advertising, deceptive packaging, and unfair pricing.
Although the macro-consumer organization mainly focuses on the broader background of environmental pollution, health care system, anti-nuclear issue, etc. , the micro-problem of consumerism is also known as the fairness of trade practice or the fairness of business practice.
In this study, four well-known and widely discussed issues of micro-consumerism, such as misleading advertising, deceptive packaging, customer care and unfair pricing, and onemacro issues (
Practice of environmental consumerism
In order to find out their impact on consumer buying behavior, we have considered these factors. Rudh (2007)
Unlike advertising, packaging continues to build brand value in the long term use of the product and can drive brand equity and loyalty. Rudh (2007)
In a standard supermarket, typical shoppers have more than 300 brands per minute.
That means less than one.
Get a tenth of a second of customer attention and spark purchase for a single product. Schlossberg (2008)
It is recommended that the most effective way to attract attention to the product is to focus on the product brand by using the appropriate color, size, language and pictures, while increasing the availability of the product. Sinclair (2007)
It is said that the decision-making process of consumers is irrational in an objective and consistent sense;
Does it follow any pre-
Determine a reasonable statistical economic model. Siloyai (2006)
It is mentioned that the consumer\'s high participation behavior in the product category is less affected by image and visual stimulation.
In this case, the consumer needs more information and more time for the assessment.
For example, consumers who pay more attention to health and nutrition are more likely to pay attention to the detailed labeling information of food.
According to Smith (2006)
, When creating efficient packaging, producers and designers must consider six variables: form, size, color, graphics, materials, and taste. Young (2008)
It is said that the most attractive or popular design is not necessarily the most effective design at the point of sale, as it may get lost in the clutter of the shelves and/or fail to convey key messages (
And different points)
Fast and clear.
According to Young (2008)
When the tag information is located on both sides of the main vision, it attracts the audience in two different directions, often causing some information to be lost outside the main visual stream.
Methods we collect data through primary and secondary sources.
In conducting this study, a questionnaire was conducted on data collection.
We have a list of issues that have been narrowed down to a few.
Then we sent out the questionnaire.
The collection questionnaire for quantitative data measurement and scaling procedures was constructed in the form of a Ordinal scale, with respondents evaluating only one object at a time, 5-
The ratio of Pointsitemized grades varies (1)
Strongly disagree (5)strongly agree.
In the survey, 15 questions were designed to obtain variable data;
The questionnaire was in contact with the participants.
Prior to completion, they had sufficient time to study the questionnaire, ask questions and, if necessary, obtain clarification on the questions related to the study and the questionnaire.
To make the filling and analysis of the questionnaire simple and accurate, we used Google Docs.
Our response rate is 100% and all the questions are answered by these people.
Our target population includes users, decision makers and buyers of FMCG.
The users include old people and young people.
Decision makers and buyers mainly include housewives, the main buyers of FMCG.
For this study, 50 sample sizes were taken.
It specifies the number of elements to be included in the study.
The selected sample size is small due to time constraints.
To promote these findings, we used simple random sampling techniques.
Results and discussion reliability statistics Alpha of AlphaCronbach for Cronbach is project-based standardized project number. 727.
The data for 7187 independent variables or predictors are reliable because the value of kronbach α is 0.
727 is bigger than 0. 7.
This value is also positive, so the data used for analysis is reliable.
Summar model adjusts RStd.
Square estimation error 5. 515e. 265. 2341.
263 The table shows 51 colors and pictures.
5% related to the purchase decision.
The explanation change of the model is 26.
5% important as anova f-
The observed statistics are 8.
48 greater than 4.
Also, R-
Square adjustment R
The square is less than 5%, which indicates that there is no sampleerror.
ANOVAf model pen SquaresdfMean SquareFSig.
5 Regression27. 060213. 5308. 485.
001e residue 74. 940471. 594 Total102.
00049 analysis of variance shows the overall meaning of the model and the significance of the coefficient of determination. As F-
The observed statistics are greater than 4-
Bench mark for F-
Statistics further recognized by Sig.
Value less than 0. 01.
Therefore, this model is significant in 1%.
The coefficient model is not standardized.
The common linear coefficient statistics BStd.
ErrorBetaToleranceVIF month (Constant)1. 009. 6541. 544. 129 color. 484. 156. 3993. 108. 003. 9501. 053 picture. 237. 122. 2481. 936. 059. 9501.
The 053 questionnaire was prepared to collect data from six variables (
Color, label, convenience, shape, picture and quality).
The purchase decision has been taken as the dependent variable.
Since there are multiple predictors, four predictors are eliminated through system-insignificant factors using the inverse approach of the regression model.
The final model contains two variables I. e.
Colors and pictures that have a significant impact on purchase decisions.
Here, the color is significant at 1% when the sig value is less than 0.
01 however, since its sig value is less than 0, it is important that the picture is at 10%. 1.
In addition, there is no multiple collinearity (
The mutual dependence between predictors)
As a factor in differential inflation (VIF)is less than 2.
In addition, the color coefficient indicates that the unit increase in the color score will bring 0.
The unit of purchase decision is increased by 484, while the picture coefficient indicates that the unit increase of picture score will bring 0.
The purchase decision increased by 237 units.
Relatively speaking, the meaning of the color explanation purchase decision is not only the standardized beta coefficient of the color (0. 399)
Higher than the picture (0. 248).
Most people think that packaging is a necessary part of the product, and although packaging is a cost factor, it is also important to increase sales.
Another point raised is that, in general, opening the package is not a difficult task.
However, after using the goods contained in the package, people are in favor of using the package as a container.
A similar view was expressed on the label of the product.
Respondents were satisfied with the information provided on the label.
Conclusion: In general, ladies know the importance of packaging.
They want it to be attractive, easy to handle and can be distinguished from competing products.
They also want packets that can be used further.
Labels are considered to be important legal documents that express product reliability.
The study of packaging found that different packaging will affect the perception of the product.
Usually, packaging is considered a part of the product and it is difficult for consumers to separate the two aspects of packaging color, design and pictures, which may affect the perception of the product.
According to our research, we found that the color of the product packaging is the most significant feature, followed by pictures or images on the product packaging.
In fact, people\'s demands are getting higher and higher;
By providing information and delivery functions, packaging gradually shows its important role in serving consumers.
Packaging with its different functions to mitigate and communicate with consumers, there is no doubt that the role of packaging as a strategic tool to attract consumers\' attention and to perceive the quality of products is becoming more and more important.
It is important to recommend the brand, its strategy is considered in the unit.
Product packaging has important value in brand assets, product differences, market segmentation, new product introduction, pricing, promotion, etc.
The brand name that is implemented using the plan must be valid in the unit.
All marketing units focus on good packaging.
They acknowledge that poor packaging is one of the reasons for the failure of the product in the market.
In order to better protect and promote the product, it is necessary to set the packing standard and implement it accordingly.
Basically, the label describes what it is made of, where it is made, when it is made, what it contains, how it is used, and so on.
In addition, they believe that the label of the product used by the consumer is correct.
While marketing the product, it is important to emphasize the information given in thelabel and its value.
It must also be more useful in technology.
We believe that cultural differences do have an impact on acopmpany\'s plans to design product packaging.
For example, in our study, the choice of packaging colors varies greatly between the West and the Far East.
Therefore, we believe that cultural differences must be considered when designing product packaging.
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