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consumer goods ceos in davos hot seat over plastic waste

by:Keke Jewelry     2019-10-28
DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters)-
Consumer goods companies such as Procter & Gamble and Coca-Cola
Coca-Cola is becoming a new target for global action, with green groups accusing them of polluting the ocean with plastic, and activists are urging the government to regulate the plastic.
At this week\'s annual World Economic Forum, the bosses of these companies and companies such as Unilever and Pepsi have been on the defensive, to some extent, this is reminiscent of how coal and oil giants have been under pressure on climate change over the past few years.
\"I saw similarities in coal, and Jennifer Morgan, executive director of Greenpeace, told Reuters that, she and P & G Boss David Taylor had a heated exchange at a joint press conference at the ski resort Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
\"It is clear that they are trying to be unregulated,\" she added . \".
Davos CEOs have vowed to reduce the use of plastic packaging through a series of initiatives, including a joint recycling program launched during the forum.
But Greenpeace used the announcement to call for a ban on plastic packaging and put forward the goal of \"plastic peaks\", saying recycling is not enough.
According to US media reports, about 8 million tons of plastic are dumped into the ocean every year, killing marine life and entering the food chain. N.
Environmental Planning.
Data like this, TV shows like documentaries
Manufacturer David Attenborough\'s Blue Planet puts the issue at the top of the agenda for the summit.
92-year-old Attenborough received a special award at the beginning of the annual event, in which environmental issues are an ongoing theme alongside the pessimism and doom of the United StatesS. -
China\'s trade war and global economic slowdown.
Alan Jope half, Unilever\'s chief executive, said: \"I sometimes wonder if we are in the brand garbage business, the brand garbage business ? \"
Asked in a panel debate whether consumers were interested in the source of the company\'s products, he joked.
At 2017 Davos Forum, Davos soap maker Unilever pledged to ensure that all its plastic packaging is recyclable, reusable or packable by 2025.
\"Two years ago in Davos, Unilever was a leader in the plastics industry.
At present, on our radar, it is very high to do something beyond plastic waste for plastic waste. . .
Other people in the industry.
\"Dozens of big companies have made a variety of commitments to reduce plastic packaging, including plans for 40 companies to cancel unnecessary single packaging
Plastic packaging will be used in the UK by 2025.
\"We will launch new technologies next year to reduce the number of packages per kilogram,\" Pepsi CEO Ramon ragta said in Davos. In addition, pepsi is also trying to develop into reusable cans and glass.
Pepsi, Unilever and European supermarket chains Carrefour and Tesco are among the companies involved in pilot waste disposal
This week, the Davos Forum will announce plans to reduce emissions.
It will provide shoppers with products such as orange juice in reusable bottles and collect empty bottles for cleaning and re-cleaninguse.
\"We can understand the business model and the consumer\'s response to this and find an ongoing solution,\" P & G\'s Taylor said in the announcement . \".
In a panel debate in Davos, vivek Maru, founder of legal advocacy group Namati\'s human rights lawyer, asked Pepsi\'s lagata and head of Dow Jones chemical, Jim fettlin, if they were sued for losses caused by the company, similar to lawsuits against the tobacco industry.
\"This is a very difficult question to answer,\" said Fitterling . \".
\"Plastic waste gets there through consumer behavior and people putting it into the environment.
\"The plastic debate has also caught the attention of the insurance industry, which sometimes takes a stand on environmental issues.
Some major insurance companies refuse to cover new coal.
Power stations built for climate reasons
Change the focus, for example.
\"This is not a big reinsurance topic at this stage,\" runs Christian Mumenthaler, the second largest in the world.
Switzerland\'s largest re company told Reuters in Davos.
\"The mechanism involving insurance will be the policy of responsibility for these companies.
If the risk is high, they will be prosecuted.
Not a Plastic Company, but any company.
\"With regard to their behavior, this will go into our risk assessment and they may start to struggle to get insurance,\" he added . \".
\"It\'s heating up quickly and we \'ve seen some of the company\'s actions, so let\'s take a look.
I hope they can act quickly enough that it is a good case of change, fundamentally.
\"The CEO of Unilever and PespiCo said in a call by Greenpeace in Davos to ban more plastic packaging that the problem requires multiple solutions from recycling and re-utilization
Use the new packaging technology.
Last month, the European Union passed a ban on throwing.
Throw away plastic items such as straws and polystyrene cups before 2021.
Greenpeace welcomed the move, but called on the EU --
Broad targets for reducing consumption of food containers and cups.
Morgan, of Greenpeace, said industry initiatives alone would not solve the problem.
\"Many companies and others behind these initiatives are expanding the production of a single product.
\"Using plastic and looking to grow in a market where more plastic cannot be accepted,\" Morgan said . \".
\"A product like this has the potential to be a distraction that has a positive impact (
Public Relations).
\"The French State Secretary for ecology, sustainable development and energy, Brenner poilson, also attacked the companies and said they should take the initiative.
\"Because you didn\'t do that, we have to intervene,\" Poirson said . \".
\"I think it\'s a waste of time, a waste of resources, and it\'s not really a responsible organization.
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