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What are the precautions for wearing different jewelry necklaces?

by:Keke Jewelry     2023-11-30
What are the precautions for wearing different jewelry necklaces?
Wearing different jewelry necklaces, due to the different characteristics of jewelry, there are also some special requirements and precautions for jewelry in terms of maintenance. The jewelry processing factory is now introduced as follows:
(1) Opal necklace. Opal has a low hardness and should avoid friction with other items. Opal contains water, so it should be avoided to be exposed to high temperature. Otherwise, after losing water due to evaporation, it will lose its transparency in light, or burst in heavy. In addition, opal is not acid-resistant, so avoid high temperatures and acidic substances when wearing opal jewelry. When collecting opal jewelry, you should also pay attention that the environment is not too dry, otherwise it will cause dehydration and cause cracks or even rupture. In order to prevent dehydration, in the dry season, it is advisable to soak the opal jewelry in clean water at regular intervals.

(2) Amethyst necklace. The color of amethyst is unstable, and it will fade when exposed to high temperature or for a long time. During wearing or collection, avoid high temperature or exposure to the sun.
(3) lapis lazuli necklace. After the lapis lazuli necklace is stained, it must never be soaked and rinsed with water. Because lapis lazuli is a granular aggregate composed of a variety of minerals, if it is soaked and rinsed with water, the dirt on the surface of the gemstone will penetrate into the interior, which will change the original brilliance of lapis lazuli. After the lapis lazuli jewelry is stained, it can be gently wiped with a damp cloth to remove the dirt.
(4) Jade necklace. The jewelry processing factory reminds that although jadeite is firm and tough, it has a certain impact resistance. However, processed jadeite products are often thin and will be damaged by impact.

(5) Malachite and Turquoise Necklace. Both of these gemstones are harder than water and are very easy to wear. The chemical properties of the two are unstable, and they will be corroded and dissolved in the presence of acid. Turquoise is particularly prone to discoloration at high temperatures, and even prolonged exposure to the sun and soaking in sweat will make turquoise discolored. These are all things that must be paid attention to when wearing and collecting.
(6) Emerald necklace. The hardness of emerald is slightly greater than that of emerald, but it is brittle than emerald, so it is more resistant to impact and beating than emerald. In addition, emeralds are afraid of high temperature, the color will fade in case of fire, and it is easy to burst under high temperature.

(7) PEARL AND CORAL NECKLACE. The jewelry processing factory reminds that the hardness of pearls and corals is very low, and the surface is easily tarnished by friction. Both are composed of calcium carbonate, which will be corroded and dissolved in the presence of acid. It is easy to sweat in summer, and sweat will also damage the surface of pearls and corals and lose their original luster. Powders, perfumes and hair creams in cosmetics will also gradually tarnish pearls. Therefore, it is best not to wear such jewelry in summer. If it is stained by sweat, it can be rinsed in clean water, and then gently dried with a soft cloth. Pearl jewelry must be rinsed with water before being stored, and cosmetics must be avoided in the storage place.

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